Antigone episode 3 summary
Antigone episode 3 summary

antigone episode 3 summary

But there’s a method in the madness since this isn’t a small, self-contained story – it’ll eventually leap across decades and weave in and out of many important historical periods and events. It’s just as well, really, since there’s a lot of historical namechecking and political maneuvering in this opener that might have been slightly off-putting on its own. Nero is a coward, of course, so he promptly leaves Livia and her handmaid Antigone (Melodie Wakivuamina) to fend for themselves after fleeing to Sicily leader Sextus Pompeius (Tom Forbes), whose treaty with Gaius will eventually lead to amnesty and thus no safe harbor for Livia and many others.ĭomina season 1, episode 1, “Fall”, is aptly named, then, and contains all the obligatory sex and violence – Livia has to bash someone’s skull in with a rock – to grab the audience’s attention.


Creon returns with the bodies of Antigone and Haimon, and learns that Eurydice is dead, too.Livia is the daughter of Livius, Rome’s Dominus, who is trying his best to keep Rome out of dictatorial hands after the recent death of Julius Caesar but has made a target of himself for the vengeful Gaius Caesar (Tom Glynn-Carney), who can’t help but put bounties on the heads of everyone who annoys him, including Livius, who later commits suicide after going to war alongside Brutus and Cassius, and then Tiberius Nero (Enzo Cilenti), whom Livius married Livia off to. File Type PDF Antigone Vocabulary Word Search 3 Answer Key Antigone Vocabulary Word Search 3 Answer Key If you ally infatuation such a referred antigone vocabulary word search 3 answer key ebook that will give you worth, acquire the very best seller from us currently from several preferred authors. Scene Seven: A Messenger comes to report to Eurydice (Creon’s wife) that Antigone and Haimon are dead. Scene Six: The blind seer Teiresias comes to tell Creon that he’s wrong and what will happen if he doesn’t change his decision.įifth Ode: The Chorus pray to Dionysus, the patron of Thebes, for blessing. Scene Five: The First Old Man commiserates with Antigone, and then Antigone and Creon have their final exchange before she goes to her death.įourth Ode: The Chorus sing a song to console Antigone. Scene Four: Creon’s son Haimon tries to change his father’s mind.

antigone episode 3 summary

Third Ode: The Chorus regret the cursed history of the house of Oedipus. Ismene joins them and tries to take Antigone’s side, but Antigone refuses to share her fate or her glory. Creon and Antigone debate the merits of their positions. Scene Three: The Soldier brings Antigone, who buried the body, to Creon, who condemns her to death. Second Ode: The Chorus reflect on the wonder of humanity. Sophocles was selected to be one of nine generals in that campaign.

antigone episode 3 summary

A Soldier comes to report that the body’s been buried. Antigone was performed sometime around the year 441 B.C.E., just before Athens fought a campaign against the revolt of Samos.

antigone episode 3 summary

Scene Two: Creon officially announces to the citizens the prohibition against the burial. Haemon tells Creon that he will be loyal to his decision, and Creon applauds him for his choicehe's grateful that Haemon is not one of those 'useless children. Creon immediately breaks the news to Haemon and then asks him if he is angry or if he will be loyal to his father's decision. Ismene refuses, because their uncle Creon has decreed that anyone who does will pay the penalty of death.įirst Ode: The Chorus of Old Men celebrate Thebes’ victory over Polynices’ army. Creon 's son, Haemon, enters, and the Chorus leader wonders whether or not he has heard the news about Antigone. Scene One: Antigone tries to convince her sister Ismene to join her in burying their brother Polynices.

Antigone episode 3 summary